Saturday, December 20, 2008


What is the best gift that any human being can give to anyone at any time and at any place? The most simple, effective and loving – A Smile.

When you smile to someone, you pass on your Warmth and even your happiness to that person. Just imagine a day when everyone welcomes you with a Smile. A Warm Smile. And then, this is something which you always get in return immediately as you give it.

Smile is like a Beam of Light, coz its both – Warm and Bright. It not only makes u feel warm, but also brightens up your face. In short, it is a Priceless thing that adds VALUE to your face.

Smile not only makes others feel positive about you, but also makes you feel positive and happier. It not only rejuvenates you but also the people who surround you. No wonder, you make more and better friends.

Once a small boy named Joe was returning from school when he saw a group of boys teasing and bullying another boy. They pushed him and went away. He fell on the ground. Joe went up to him, helped him get up and dust himself, and gave a warm smile to him and went away. Later they became friends. After several years, Joe came to know that his friend, whose name was Harry, had decided to end his life that day because he thought himself to be worthless and unloved by everyone. That one smile of Joe had made him feel that there were people who would care for him also, and had changed his life.

This was a very condensed version of a real story, but it proves what our little gestures can do for others.

So smile, because you never know when your smile can make someone’s day.
And remember that

Just like HAPPINESS results in a SMILE,
SMILE too results in HAPPINESS